Thursday, January 30, 2014

Knock knock...

I've been getting a lot of traffic here from new followers who've hopped on my profile and see my blogs sitting there in alphabetical order.  Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't seem to give one a way to adjust that.  So let me make this announcement now:  If you want to follow me where I mostly blog, go to Tilting At Windmills.  If you really really like beer caps, then this blog is okay too, but I'm only on it as necessary.  (Though I guess if you think about it, do you really want to hear from me 4 or five times a week- or once a month or so?  Maybe it isn't a mistake...


  1. Beer caps remind me of the seventies. One of my brothers had a beer can collection. Also, my work buddies used to play a made up drinking game called CAPS. I'd have to think too hard over on the other blog...I'm a People Magazine kinda girl...but I'll wander over there...
