Monday, January 23, 2012

Just in from Australia...

From our good friend Mynx , 5 new caps.  Starting at top left, we have a Crown Lager.  This beer was so premium, from 1919-54 it was ONLY served to visiting dignitaries in Australia.  Next is a Cooper's Pale Ale, from a brewery established way back in 1862  Their beers have a secondary fermentation, meaning they have yeast- and thus, sediment- left in the beer. Not sure I'd like that...  Then comes a West End Draught, first brewed by the South Australia Brewery, since bought out by Lion Nathan in 1993.  Up to then, it had been the top selling beer in the state.  Next is a Miller Chill, their version of Bud Light Lime- even though it had started out as a "chelada-style beer"  (meaning it had clamato, red pepper, and other disgusting things added to it).  So when BLL took most of their market share, they re-formulated, while Bud began making their own chelada beer.  Ring around the rosie..  Finally, we have a contestant from Wychwood breweries of the UK, who make a whole mess of different beers.  I'm not sure which one, though I know it is NOT a Hobgoblin, which seems to have a blue cap.  One of my sources says its a Scarecrow Golden Ale, but I don't know.

So that's the scoop.  Thanks again to a lovely lady for the lovely caps.


  1. You just have to roll your Coopers pale gently on it's side before opening and the sediment mixes through. It is a very nice beer. (in my opinion)
    As for the last cap, from the UK, that was given to me by a guy at work and all I know is it was non alcoholic

    Really happy you got them safely

  2. Just got looking some more into that cap. The lowest alcohol they list on their website is a January's ale at 2.8%- but I've been on other sites that show the label reading 3.8! So I sent them an e-mail and mayhap they'll let us know the straight poop.

    After my bad experience with that IPA on New Years, I'm afraid to try the pale ale that is still sitting next to me. Guess I'm just a lager boy meself.
